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My Father, Lagu Anak Karya Kak Zepe

My Father, Kak Zepe's Children Songs

My father is a banker; he goes to work up to night
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
My father is so busy, he goes to work everyday
He has free days on Saturday and Sunday
Nonton Aplikasi GRATIS "LAGU ANAK KAK ZEPE VOL 2" DULU YUK.... Download aplikasinya dengan klik bit.ly/1VFq9kS 

He is a busy man… he is a busy man
He has no time for me in his busy time(2x)
In his free days he always asks me to play football
And also ask me to walk around the city
In his free days he always asks me tp play baseball,
And also ask me to walk arround the city
He is a busy man… he is a busy man
he has no time for me in his busy time
But I am very happy on Saturday and Sunday
because he gives much time together with me

Silakan Mempublikasikan Karya-karya Saya dengan mencantumkan:Karya Kak Zepe, lagu2anak.blogspot.com

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